About Macadamias
Macadamias are native to the east coast of Australia. Over the years, many varieties have been developed to enhance their quality and to suit different growing conditions.
We are lucky. The Bundaberg region produces premium macadamias that are just at home in an orchard as they are in their native rainforests.
The Harvest
As we approach the end of Summer, the nuts are fully developed and begin falling from the trees, ready to be harvested periodically for peak quality.
Before we can package the delicious products you know and love, the macadamias are de-husked and go through stringent sorting and quality assurance processes to deliver our quality product that you have come to expect.
Meet Our Farmers
Growing macadamias isn’t just a job. It involves working with Mother Nature and consistently discovering better ways to farm. With sustainability as the cornerstone, our network of farmers grow the quality macadamias that become our universally adored product range.
Like us, many of our growers work alongside their families each day and use nature-based solutions to tackle modern problems. These growers form the Freedom Fresh Australia ecosystem, offering full product traceability and first-grade macadamia nuts to create the quality products that you can trust.
We’d love you to meet some of them:
The Temple Family
Welcome to Wollemi Farms, one of seven macadamia orchards in the Bundaberg region managed by an exceptional father-sons team. Hailing from the UK, the Temple family moved to Australia in 2020, bringing with them a passion for farming and a thirst for the lifestyle offered by our world-renowned coastal location.
The De Papi Family
The De Papi’s farm has been in their family since the 1950’s when Daniel’s grandparents immigrated from Italy to Australia. His Nonno and Nonna first grew a variety of crops before establishing sugarcane on the 140-hectare property just outside Bundaberg.
The Anderson Family
Peter and Janet’s families have been farming in Australia for a combined 290 years. In 2018, the Anderson’s planted 13,000 macadamia trees, covering about half of their 80-hectare farm near Childers in Queensland.
The Joyce Family
Welcome to Natara, a lush macadamia farm owned by the Joyce family. Located in Queensland’s agricultural hub of Bundaberg, the expansive orchard spans 500 acres and is home to 60,000 trees, ranging from four to seventeen years old.
The Emery Family
The Goodhew Family
The Zunker Family
We work with a passionate network of Aussie macadamia growers that value the same sustainability principles that our family has lived and worked by for over 60 years.
With a sense of environmental responsibility, our family of growers are brought together to share in our vision of producing a quality product that we can all be proud of for generations to come.
We encourage our growers to be Freshcare accredited, Hort360 Reefcare accredited, HACCP accredited and ensure our growers adhere to the Australian Macadamia Society’s Code of Sound Orchard Practices.